Admin operations procurements

" I have a customer services office administration accounts managements office works sales purchase etc
Also a office works field work taking a task quickly "
Serial No: 204025

Skills keywords: customer services, office management/administration, staff management, ms office

B.A and DAE electrical

Personal Information:

I have a 2years experience in diesel trading as a administration accounts sales purchase.
4years in dubai taxi as a fleet incharge.
2years in laundry dubai as a admin.
2years in pakistan real estate admin and operation also procurement

Management Skills:


Employment Sought: Permanent
Current Location: Pakistan
Top 5 countries interested in working in: Afghanistan, Arabia, Saudi, Bahrain, Dubai, Qatar
Right to work in the following countries: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Dubai, Europe, Eygpt, Italy, Malaysia, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
