I am a hardworking open minded female. Hardworking in the sense that I do not like to leave work undone. I try to find solutions immediately and not leave things in a bad state. I am open to learning new things and not set on my ways. As long as the new things serve a greater purpose I am open to adapting.
BSC Computer Science and Statistics
July 2019 till present Traffic/Office Manager at Social Ghana
My main duties as a Traffic manager is to ensure a team that is ready to meet client's deadlines.
As the office manager I make sure that the office runs smoothly by making sure all things needed for work to be efficient is provided.
August 2014 to January 2019 Office Manager Digicraft Company
My main duties were to ensure a smooth running of activities in the office by providing the essentials for work.
May 2012 to August 2012 Reality Vacation Innovations Telemarketer
My main duties were to invite people via a marketing script for various presentations.
Surfing the Internet