I am a very versatile, professional and adaptable person from a military background who is smart in appearance and carries out tasks in a professional and integral manner, Also an experienced manager, team leader and team member who is confident at working under my own initiative, looking for a fresh challenge working overseas from the United Kingdom
- HABC Level 3 Award in Education and
- HABC Level 3 Compliance Training
- HABC Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in
the Workplace.
- BTEC Level 3 in Protective Security
- HABC Level 2 Award in Conflict
- Level 2 Numeracy (Army Education Centre)
- Level 2 Literacy ( Army Education Center)
- 8 GCSE's
- Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) Awareness
- Advance IT Skills (Incl. excel and
- Advanced Level 2 in Safeguarding Children
- Advanced Level 2 in Safeguarding Adults
- PREVENT Awareness
- RTITB Forklift Operator Instructor
- HABC Level 2 Award in Safe Moving and
- PeoplePlus - Employability/Skills Tutor - April 2021 to Present: Teaching accredited courses
helping the unemployed back into work, with customer service being one of the qualifications.
- Pilot IMS Ltd - Contract Lead/Tutor - Jan 2020 to April 2021: Managing, teaching and
administrating an employabilty programme helping the unemployed back into work.
- Self-Employed (Freelance) Consultant/Tutor: June 2018 to Jan 2020: Marketing, procuring,
administrating and teaching legislative compliance training courses for various company's and
organisations across varied sectors of industry as well as corporate clients.
- Prior to the training sector I had a lengthy career in the British Armed Forces and a Close
Protection background (This is all reflected in my attached CV).
- Rugby
- Fitness
- Current Affairs
- History
- DIY/Joinery
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