I am a Project Manager with a creative attitude to problem solving personality. My recent challenge has been the finalize the studio theme for speaker grille component in door trim in a short span of time and meet the delivery time. Used the lean six sigma method and added the improvement on operation and reduced the wastage on waiting time for getting approval from stake holder. Action to be carried out across all departments. We managed to deliver the product on time without overrun the project cost and time. I know cost and time saving solution for the project are amongst your key priorities. I'm sure I can use expertise to achieve the great results.
PGD-PE (Post Graduate Diploma in Plastic Engineering)
BE-Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical
Ford Pvt ltd India - [2013-Till date] - Project Manager
Pricol Technology India- [2011 -2013] - Lead Engineer
Nissan Technical Center cranfield UK -[2011-2012 ]- Design Engineer
Faurecia Technology India -[2008 -2011] - Design Engineer
Reading books
Listening Music and Member in Toastmaster.