Customer service and marketing specialist


I am experienced customer service professional, flexible, committed and self-motivated individual with excellent business communication skills, proven leadership skills that provide the team to overcome high customer service benchmarks and uphold organizational reputation for excellence, perfectly combined problem solving with results orientation with professional and business mindset, attention to detail, decision making and efficient time management, fine negotiation and conflict resolution tactics.

Serial No: 115113
Skills keywords: excellent customer service, marketing management, analytical problem solving, good organizational skills, exceptional communication skills

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

First aid trained.
Cultural mediation, intercultural communication.
Time management and problem solving skills.
Safety and security skills.
Problem solving.
Customer service.
Conflict resolution and mediation.
Leadership and management.
Computer literacy.

Previous Employment Details:

2014-1020 Emirates Airline
Premium Flight Attendant
2013-2014 NCR Corporation
Technical Support Agent
2013 ABC Design
Marketing Research Specialist

Interests & Hobbies:

I am interested in personal development, both mentally and physically. In my free time I enjoy doing yoga and swimming, as well as reading.

Current location:  دبي, United Arab Emirates - View on map
Nationality: Serbian
Spoken languages: english, german, portuguese, Serbian, spanish, u
