Customer Service Manager seeking work in Africa


I believe that i will be able to use my background knowledge and academic skills effectively and efficiently to achieve organizational results

Serial No: 126586
Skills keywords: accounts officer, customer service manager, real time system analyst

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

* Bachelor's Degree
* Higher National Diploma in Accounting
* Senior Secondary School Certificate

Previous Employment Details:

1. Standard Focus - Workforce Analyst
2. Safari International Preschool - Administrator
3. Midway Clinic - Accounts Officer
4. GH4hub Ghana - Customer Service Manager
5. Vodafone Ghana - Customer Service Executive
6. Teletech Ghana - Customer Service Representative

Interests & Hobbies:

Reading, Listening to music

Current location:  Greater Accra Region, Ghana - View on map
Nationality: Ghanaian
Spoken languages: english
