Agronomist, MBA from Universidad Del Desarrollo and M. Sc. from the University of California Davis. Eight years of experience with fruit farmers and companies as consultant on plant nutrition in different areas of Chile.
Relevant Experience
University of California Davis. USA
2013 – 2015
Graduate Student Researcher (GSR)
■ Designed and implemented field research projects in plant nutrition.
■ Collaborated in a team with UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) farm advisors in research projects.
■ Performed farmer oriented extension and outreach work with farm advisors.
SQM Chile
2005- 2013
Product Manager. High Value Markets (2011 – 2013)
■ Developed sales strategic plans focusing on high value crops markets.
■ Performed as a technical advisor for sales team.
■ Developed technical relationships with strategic clients, advisors and distributors, with an emphasis on tree fruit crops.
■ Developed fertilization plans for companies such as Driscoll´s, Frusan, Hortifrut, Carsol, Del Monte fresh.
Sales Agronomist
(2005 – 2011)
■ Developed strong sales relationship small fruit farmers (Santiago – Puerto Montt).
■ Developed specialty products with farmers and distributors. Focused on small fruits.
■ Managed water-soluble fertilizers brands in the southern Chile area.
Servag Ltda. Chile
Project Manager
■ Performed agricultural extension for small farmers.
■ Development project design for small farmers.
Master of Science. University of California Davis. Davis, USA. 2015
MBA. Universidad del Desarrollo. Santiago, Chile. 2010
Agronomist. Universidad de Concepción. Chillán, Chile. 1998
UC Davis Horticulture & Agronomy Graduate Group fellowship. 2014-2015
Becas Chile Scholarship. Master student. Conicyt – Chile. 2013
Universidad del Desarrollo Award. Best student of 2010 MBA class. 2010
Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Chile Award. Best student of 1994 class. 1998
Universidad de Concepción Award. Best student of 1994 class. 1998
Communicational skills
■ Experienced communicator with familiarity and knowledge of diverse educational and cultural environments.
■ Advanced skills as a presenter.
Personal skills
■ Ability to work under stress.
■ Teamwork skills.
■ Goal oriented and end goal focused.
■ Capacity to generate relationships based on trust with farmers and farm advisors.
■ Fluent in verbal and written English.