CV, Experienced Business Coach, Industrial Organisational Psychologist

Serial No: 23427
Skills keywords: 
Current location:  Manchester UK - View on map
Nationality: English
Spoken languages: english


I have over 30 years experience in the public and private sector where I have specialised in Lecturing, Coaching, Consulting, writing & presenting courses and workshops on Quality Management, Management of Change, Six Sigma, Process Improvement and Stress Management, Leadership, & Emotional Intelligence Training

Visiting Professor to the International University Business & Technology Dacca, & Visiting Professor to IDPM University of Manchester.

Qualifications & Training

 PhD I/O Psychologist

 PhD Business Studies

 Chartered Quality Professional (CQI)

 MSc Quality Management

 MBA Organisational Behaviour

 BSc Business Administration

 PGCE Education and Teacher Training

 Mentoring/Coaching/Leadership

 Certified Executive Coach

 Consultant Emotional Intelligence Training

 Master Black Belt Six Sigma

 Quality Systems Auditor (Quality Assurance)

 Licensed MSCEIT Emotional Intelligence Instructor


Taught TQM And The Management Of Change In The Following Organisations:

 National Health Service

 British Law Society & Legal Aid Board

 Mirror Newspaper Group

 British War Museum

 International Business College Manchester

 University of Salford

 University of Huddersfield

 International University Business Agriculture & Technology Dacca

Experience Summary

I have taught at MSc Degree Level the following subjects:

Human Resource Management

Organisational Behaviour

Human Resource Development

International Marketing

The Management of Change

Total Quality Management

Knowledge Management

Supply Chain Management

Management Information Systems

Operations Management


Project Management

Other Subjects:

Lead Auditor Quality Management


Emotional Intelligence (MSCEIT)

Psychological Profiling

Stress Management/Counseling

Research Methodology


 Developed MSc degree programmes in Service Quality, Six Sigma Management of Change and Development, Organisational Behaviour, Mentoring and Coaching.

 Carried out research on the Effect of Bradford LEA’s Policicies and Procedures on a Special Needs School, and as a result of the research the school remained open.

 Supervised many Post Graduate degree students at the University of Manchester UK and the University of Salford.

 Taught workshops on Six Sigma, Process Mapping, Mind Mapping, Problem Solving Techniques, Creative Visualisation, Quality Assurance and Self Assessment and Audit to many Small and Medium sized Enterprises.

 Instructed Small and Medium Sized Organisations on the use and benefit of Psychological Profiling for the development of the workforce, team building, stress measurement, and selection and recruitment.

 Inititiated Action Learning Programmes at Salford University with Professors John Morris, and Pro – VC James Powell.

 Visiting Professor to Manchester University, and also Director of Studies to Trinity College Manchester and Visiting Professor to IUBAT Dacca Bangladesh. Adjunct Professor TIU Graduate School of Management Missouri USA. Business Course Leader West London College Business Management Sciences Manchester

Supervised post graduate students of management from many countries at the University of Manchester who successfully completed their MSc Degree whereby 80% of my students achieved a distinction in their study modules.

Mentored and Coached learning difficulties undergraduate students at the University of Salford 2005/2008.

Developed Service Quality Modules and supervised students at the University of Salford for the MSc in Quality Management. Successfully constructed and initiated stress management programmes to enhance managers and students coping skills. Taught Edexcel, ABP, ABE, OTHM, CMI, SIRM, Courses

Voluntary Work

Trained groups of Ethnic people from Moss Side Manchester who were suffering from Post Traumatic Stress and Emotional Problems a range of Therapeutic Tools and Techniques in order for them to teach others and also cope with their own personal issues throughout life.

Initiated and Project Managed Britain’s first multi – racial housing cooperative, which was named Victoria Park Housing Cooperative and assisted people from overseas to find housing, jobs, housing and help with their educational and personal needs. Christian Party Prospective Member of Parliament for Gorton Manchester (2010)


MSCEIT Evidence Based Psychology Emotional Intelligence (Harvard University)

Member of the Scientific and Medical Network

Associate Practitioner for the Advancement of Meridian Therapies: Emotional Freedom Techniques

British Kempo Ju Jitsu Association

Assocate Idai Ryu Jujitsu Association USA

Eye Movement Decentisation Reprocessing Therapist (EMDR)

Master Instructor & Black Belt Examiner Jiu Jitsu (3rd Dan)

Chartered Quality Institute (Chartered Quality Professional)



