CV, MultiLingual Aerospace Research Assistant Seeking Work In UK

Serial No: 34035
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Current location:  Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina - View on map
Nationality: Argentine
Spoken languages: english, german, spanish, Swedish


I have worked as a technical assistant and as a researcher in the Aerospace arena for many years, starting when I was an undergraduate student at University. In the last years my field of research has been related to the area of Human Spaceflight, specifically in the integration of planetary prototypes and human factors in space: I worked for nearly three years as a research assistant for the Laboratory of Human Spaceflight at the University of North Dakota (UND), USA while pursuing my Master Degree under the supervision of Dr. Pablo de León. My tasks and responsibilities involved tracking and reporting on educational space projects accomplishments and tracking on associated utilization of resources for them (A brief description of these projects can be found at: I also assisted in setting up experiments on the planetary space suit prototypes. Some of which involved:

-Physical parameters sensor testing;

-Microbiological sample extractions (swabbing) from the space suit internal pressure bladder and other areas of the prototypes;

– Measuring the heat exchange capacity of a Liquid Cooling Garment (LCG).

At some stages I also acted as an operational interface between research groups from other disciplines and/or Institutions and the UND Space Suit laboratory, providing technical assistance on experiments or necessary data/recommendations related to the ongoing projects. At the end of each scheme phase, I was in charge of reporting the project status to my director.

Before working as a technical assistant at UND, I worked for four years as a Junior Designer in the Department of Engineering in SKANSKA Oil & Gas Co. in the city of Neuquén, Argentina. My tasks involved making structures & piping calculation reports for different projects, reviewing basic and detailed engineering, assisting in the preparation of technical and economical offers, among other duties. In some occasions I also assisted the engineering and the commercial team with writing and maintaining technical documentation and customer deliverable documentation.

I also had to liaise internally with the commercial, operations and the quality departments with occasional interaction with the customers when the project required it so.

My academic background features a multi-disciplinary scope of planetary science, space engineering, life support systems and space-related aspects of business and management. As a lecturer I learned different communication, research and training techniques applied to large and small groups of people.

I enjoy learning, conducting research, practicing teamwork and leadership, have active roles, social interaction, coordination with other departments and developing new logistical strategies in favour of cost effective procedures, better services for customers or a more innovative technical or commercial concept.

My language skills, leadership, stamina, responsibility and teamwork have always been valid aspects of my persona: I have been an active member of the Argentine Association of Space Technology for more than fourteen years and as such, I am a member of the National Congress of Space Technology Organization Committee. I am currently working as a lecturer for the BD´s in Engineering and Biology and as mentor for freshmen at Comahue University in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina.

Academic Background

• 2009-2011: Masters of Science (MSc) – Space Studies – University of North Dakota – ND, USA.
GPA: 3.885/4.

• 2004-2009: Bachelor of Science in Physics with a major in Education and a minor in Mechanical Engineering– Comahue University – Neuquén, Argentina.
GPA: 9/10

• 2004-2005: Flight Operations Officer- Aviation Training Center “Centro de Estudios de Formación Aeronáutica (C.E.F.A.)” – San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina.
GPA: 9.37/10.



Keywords: Multidisciplinary field of research, team building, education, project logistics, team work.

• Excellent written and verbal communication skills;

• Proven ability to work within a team environment as a leader or member, and unsupervised;

• Ability to assess different disciplines related to a specific issue developing new logistical strategies in favor of cost effective procedures, problem solving, and improving services or in search of a more innovative technical concept.

• Proven ability to prioritise a range of demands, meet deadlines and maintain accuracy in a high volume work environment;

• Proven profiency in the Microsoft Office suite of products, including Word, Excel and Power Point;

• Understanding of an ability to apply occupational health and safety principles.

Research Experience

May 2012 – October 2014
 Research Staff Member. Project: B-155. Environmental Difficulties in the Andean Norpatagonia: Risks and Opportunities. Project Manager: Dr. Gustavo Villarosa. Comahue University. Río Negro, Argentina.

January 2010- December 2011
 Graduate Research Assistant. Project: NASA EPSCOR 2009: Integrated Strategies for Human Exploration of the Moon and Mars. Project Manager: Dr. Pablo de León. Laboratory of Human Spaceflight. Department of Space Studies. University of North Dakota, ND, USA.

• Integration of the NDX-2 planetary prototype.

• Design and Construction of a Lunar Rover (UND-NP Rover).

• Design of a Hybrid Inflatable Terrestrial Habitat (UND-HITH).

• Space Simulators: Spaceship one and Apollo Capsule. Student Assistance.

March 2005- May 2009
 Research Staff Member. Laboratory of Microgravity. School of Engineering. Comahue University. Neuquén, Argentina. Project Manager: Dr. Jorge Lassig.

• Preparation Procedures for Microgravity Experiments in a free-falling Tower and Stratospherical Capsules.

• Calculation of the Aerodynamic Drag in Rescue Systems of Stratospherical Capsules by means of Parachutes. Aerodynamic design and construction, tensile testing.

May 2000 – May 2009
 Research Staff Member. Project: Pehuensat Educational Satellite. School of Engineering. Comahue University. Neuquén, Argentina. Project Manager: Dr. Jorge Lassig.

• Calculation and revision of orbital parameters using “Satellite Tool Kit” and “Orbwin” softwares.

• Technical research papers translation.


Work Experience

May 2007- March 2009
 Junior Designer.

SKANSKA S.A. – Neuquén, Argentina. Department of Engineering. Neuquén Industrial Park.


• Technical specifications of piping accessories and valves.

• Technical assistance for calculation reports (Structures,Hold tanks and piping).

• Review of basic and detailed engineering.

Area: Processes and Mechanics.

October 2005 – May 2007
 Technical/commercial assistance. SKANSKA S.A. – Neuquén, Argentina. Commercial Department. Neuquén Industrial Park.

• Technical and economical offers set-up. Cost estimation of basic engineering materials.

• Material calculation and budget process by means of “Piping Tools” database.

March 2005 – November 2005
 Development of the Wind Map of Neuquén Province. Technical assistance. Internship. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Meteorology Research Team. Comahue University, Neuquén, Argentina.

• Satellite image and meteorological data reception using the university satellite base.

• Data processing of atmospheric pressure for different altitudes.


Publications – National/International Conferences & Workshops

1998- Regional Forum UNESCO – “Women, Science and Technology in Latin America” – San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina– Participation as a young delegate.

2000- 1st Argentine Congress of Space Technology – Van Broock; L. “Starshine I: An International Student Project”- Buenos Aires, Argentina. Oral presentation.

2002- PADE Project, Get Away Special Program Workshop- Argentine Assoc. for Space Technology (AATE), Buenos Aires, Argentina. – Staff Member.

2003- 2nd Argentine Congress of Space Technology- Neuquén, Argentina – Van Broock; L. “Starshine II: Satellite Mirror Grinding & Polishing”. Oral presentation.

2003- 3rd Argentine Congress of Space Technology- Neuquén, Argentina – Van Broock; L.“Starshine II: Atmospheric Density Measurement based on Low Altitude Orbits”. Oral presentation.

2004- 3rd Space Generation Congress- Vancouver, Canada. Delegate Representative of Argentina.

2004- International Astronautical Congress- Vancouver, Canada. Lassig; J.; Quiroga; J.; van Broock; L. “Experiment on drops vibration in microgravity- Post-flight analysis STS-108.” Oral presentation.

2004- International Astronautical Congress- Vancouver, Canada. Lassig; J.; Quiroga; J. ;Palese; C.; van Broock; L. “Stratospherical balloons as a means for space education at Comahue University”. Oral presentation.

2007- 5th Argentine Congress of Space Technology – Buenos Aires, Argentina – Van Broock; L. “Microgravity Research Project: Solidification of a metallic liquid bridge in Microgravity during Free Fall from a Stratospherical Balloon- Technical Design and Logistics”- Main author.

2007- “Radio Probing for Glaciologists and Technicians – Expedition to Mocho Volcano” – Valdivia- Chile. Organized by CECS – Centro de Estudios Científicos (Scientific Studies Centre) Valdivia- Chile. Attended Workshop as part of the IANIGLA (Argentine Institute for Snow, Ice and Environmental Research) research team.

2009- 6th Argentine Congress of Space Technology – Mar del Plata, Argentina – Van Broock; L. “Microgravity Research Project: Contact Angle Measurement for different working fluid dispositions inside a Satellite PMD (Propellant Management Device) analogue”- Oral presentation.

2011- 7th Argentine Congress of Space Technology. San Luis, Argentina. Van Broock; L.; De León; P. “NASA EPSCOR CAN 2009: Integrated Strategies for Manned Exploration of the Moon and Mars-Stage 1”. Oral presentation and member of the research team.

2011- Thesis: “Current Development of the NDX-1 Planetary Prototype: Critical Analysis of the actual Status: Biocontamination Detection in the Pressure Containing Bladder & Thermodynamic Aspects in the Design of the Liquid Cooling Garment”.

2012- Interdisciplinary Forum of Women in Science, Technology and Society. Comisión Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONICET) – Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA). S.C. de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina. Organization Committee member.

2012- 42nd International Conference on Environmental System (ICES-2012). San Diego, CA, USA.Van Broock; L. “Bacteria Colony Forming Units on the NDX-1 prototype”. Oral presentation and member of the research team.

2012- 42nd International Conference on Environmental System (ICES-2012). San Diego, CA, USA. Van Broock; L. “Development of a Liquid Cooling Garment for the NDX-1 Prototype”.

2013- 8th Argentine Congress of Space Technology – Mendoza, Argentina. Van Broock; L.; De León; P. “NASA EPSCOR CAN 2009: Integrated Strategies for Manned Exploration of the Moon and Mars – Stage 2”. Oral presentation and member of the research team.

2014- “III Interdisciplinary Forum of Women in Science, Technology and Society”. San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. Member of the Organizing Committee.

2014- “International Conference of Highly Charged Ions – HCI 2014”. San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. Member of the Organizing Committee.

2015- 9th Argentine Congress of Space Technology – Buenos Aires, Argentina. Van Broock; L.; De León; P. “NASA EPSCOR CAN 2009: Integrated Strategies for Manned Exploration of the Moon and Mars – Stage 3”. Oral presentation and member of the research team.

2015- South American Regional Space Generation Workshop 2015 in conjunction with the 9th Argentine Congress of Space Technology – Buenos Aires, Argentina. Regional Coordinator.

2015- Van Broock ; L. ; De León ; P. ; Vigo Daniel. ”Integrated Planetary Outpost Simulation to Assess Crew Psychophysiological Response as a First Approach to a Lunar/Mars Manned Base Settlement” American Journal of Medical and Biological Research; 01/2015.


Teaching Experience

Positions according to academic ranks in Argentina

July 2015 – present:
 Mentor for students of the first year of University in the area of Physics and Mathematics. Comahue University. S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina.

March 2015- present
 Assistant Professor. “Mathematical Analysis II and III”. Bachelor Degree in Engineering. Department of Mathematics. Comahue University. S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina.

May 2013- present
 Assistant Professor. “Physics A and Physics B”. Bachelor Degree in Biology. Department of Physics. Comahue University. S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina.

September 2012- March 2015
 Assistant Professor. “Mathematical Analysis I and II”. Bachelor Degree in Engineering. Department of Mathematics. Comahue University. S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina.

May 2013- October 2014
 Professor. “Introduction to Applied Sciences”. Bachelor Degree in Nursing. Nursing School. Comahue University. S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina.

May 2012- July 2012
 Assistant Professor. “Physics IV”. Bachelor Degrees in Engineering. Department of Physics. Comahue University. S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina.

April 2012- July 2012
 Professor. “General Physics”. Bachelor Degree in Biology and Mathematics. Department of Physics. Comahue University. S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina.

February 2012-March 2012
 Professor. “Introductory Physics Course”. Bachelor Degree in Nursing. Department of Physics. Comahue University. S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina.

February 2012-March 2012
 Assistant Professor. “Mathematics I”. Bachelor Degree in Nursing. Department of Mathematics. Comahue University. S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina.

May 2011- August 2011
 Assistant Professor. “Mathematical Analysis III”. Bachelor Degrees in Engineering. Department of Mathematics. Comahue University. S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina.
 Assistant Professor. “Physics II”. Bachelor Degrees in Engineering. Department of Physics. Comahue University. S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina.

August 2009- December 2009
 Graduate Student Assistant. “SpSt 200- Introduction to Space Studies”. Department of Space Studies. University of North Dakota. Grand Forks, ND, USA.

May 2007- May 2009
 Undergraduate Student Assistant. “Physics II”. Bachelor Degrees in Engineering. Department of Physics. Comahue University. Neuquén, Argentina.




Native Language.


2009- Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) – Educational Testing Service (ETS) – Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2009- Graduate Record Examination (GRE) – Educational Testing Service (ETS) – Buenos Aires, Argentina.

1998- Proficiency in English- University of Cambridge – Greenfield Institute- San Carlos de Bariloche- Argentina.

1997- Certificate in Advanced English- University of Cambridge- Greenfield Institute- San Carlos de Bariloche- Argentina.

1996- First Certificate in English – University of Cambridge- Greenfield Institute- San Carlos de Bariloche- Argentina.


2001- Svenska som främmande sprak, grundkurs- Medbogarskolan Institute – Linköping – Sweden. Basic course


2003- Advanced Course in German Language – Goethe Institute- San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina.

1997- Deutsches Sprachdiplom Sweite Stufe- Ständige Konferenz der Kulturminister der Länder in der Bundersrepublik Deutschland.Qualified Certificate.

1995- Deutsches Sprachdiplom Erste Stufe- Ständige Konferenz der Kulturminister der Länder in der Bundersrepublik Deutschland. Qualified Certificate.

1992- Urkunde Zentrale Deutschprüfung – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Schulen in Argentinien. Qualified Certificate.



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