CV, Pakistan Based Well Completion And Intervention Supervisor

Serial No: 20072
Skills keywords: 
Current location:  Pakistan - View on map
Nationality: Pakistani
Spoken languages: Dhataki, english, punjabi, Sindhi, Urdu

Relevant Qualifications

Bachelor of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro Sindh Pakistan
First Division 70% 2003


I am graduate Petroleum Engineer with 11 years diversified onshore working experience in Oil & Gas Exploration and production Companies. I have been supervised various production operations including Well testing, Well completion, Slick line, Wire line, Acid stimulation, Production monitoring, Production logging, Re-perforating, BHP survey, Jet pump assembling and re-commissioning at wells, Coiled tubing, TCP, DST, Cementing, MBPT plug, Swabbing and Work-over operations at deep and HPHT wells.

Career Summary

Position : Petroleum Engineer (Rig less Supervisor)
Company : ENI Pakistan Limited
Period : March-2014 – Present


To supervise all rig less operation (Slick line, E-line & coil tubing) & surface well testing.

 Slick-line – To supervise all slick line operations on high pressure and temperatures wells in which mainly yearly conduct BHP surveys, retrieving WLRSSSV/redressing/setting, bailing sand and debris, shifting sleeves, setting/pulling plugs and chokes, redressing FB-2 Check Valve, FWG Plugs, tubing puncture, set Bomb Hanger, RZB hanger and slick line fishing operations.

 Wire-line- To supervise perforating operations through tubing, tubing puncture, tubing cutter (power cutter, chemical cutter), Production logging PSP, water shut-off jobs, Setting MPBT plug, dumping cement.

 Coiled tubing- To supervise the stimulation operations, near well bore treatment, perforation acid washing, Nitrogen kick off job, fishing through coil tubing, Production Logging PSP, Perforating, squeeze cementing/thru-tubing bridge plug and Milling/Fishing Job.

 Well Head/X-mass integrity: Maintenance of the X-mass tree, monitoring well head and annulus pressures, tubing and casing integrity, installation and retrieval of BPV, carry out integrity leak on X-mass tree valves & wing valves.

 Coordinating with service companies for the cost effective and result oriented well operations.

 To supervise well completions, re-completion by work over, perforations, acid stimulation and well testing. Experience of running selective and non-selective down-hole completion equipment including landing nipples, MOE, SBE, Packers, Locator seal assembly, anchor seal assembly, SPM, SSD, SCSSV landing nipples, TRSCSSV, wire line retrievable safety valves and etc.

 Coordinating with the service company personnel in lining up equipment and job executing required during Well intervention operations, Surface well testing & Well stimulation jobs/ Kickoff jobs.

 Assisting rig site operations for specific jobs. Supervise contractor services in improving job quality concerned with completion operations.

 Monitor daily well intervention operations cost versus prognoses cost.

 Prepare daily Well Completion/rig less report.

Position : Field Petroleum Engineer (Rig less operations)
Company : United Energy Pakistan limited (Formerly BP Prod. & Inc. Pakistan)
Period : December-12 to April 2014.


 Slick-line – Supervised slick-line intervention operations including; BHP surveys, gauge cutter, lead impression block, tubing end locator run; CIV & GLV valve installation, WLRSSSV retrieving/ redressing/setting, bailing sand and debris, shifting sleeves, setting/pulling plugs and chokes, Inspection & trouble shooting of 2-1/2’’ H-type & A-Type Jet Pumps, fishing of stuck jet pumps. Redressing FB-2 Check Valve, FWG Plugs, CIVs, GLVs, Standing valves, tubing puncture, setting pack off assembly, hole finder run, Bomb Hanger, RZB hanger setting & pulling, Blanking tool and slick line fishing operations.

 Wire-line- Supervised perforating operations through tubing, tubing puncture, tubing cutter (power cutter, chemical cutter), cased hole logging (CBL-VDL, Gamma ray), RST, PSP, Setting MPBT plug, dumping cement, and W/L permanent packer/bridge plug setting jobs.

 Coiled tubing- Well Cleaning, Stimulation, perforation washing, Cutting Tubular with Fluids, Nitrogen kick off job, Fishing, Production Logging PSP, Perforating, squeeze cementing/thru-tubing bridge plug and Milling/Fishing Job.

 Stimulation- Supervised acid stimulation jobs (for conventional & retarded acids) through coil tubing and bull heading.

 Swabbing: Revive loaded up wells & under balance new wells prior perforation.

 Well Head/X-mass tree installation and maintenance: Installation of X-mass tree, installation and removal of actuators, monitoring well head and annulus pressures, tubing and casing integrity, installation and retrieval of BPV, Two way valve, design the well head and X-mass tree, carry out integrity leak on X-mass tree valves, wing valves, installation of casing and tubing hangers.

Position : Petroleum Engineer (Well Completion & Intervention)
Company : Petroleum Exploration (Pvt.) Ltd.
Period : July 2003- November 2012.


 To responsible for safe and smooth operations/maintenance of the wells and auxiliary equipment.

 To monitor well production, preparing daily/ monthly production reports and updating daily/ monthly production performance plots of different wells.

 To design and plan early stages of well completions, including, tubular design and materials selection.

 To coordinates in well completion operations with Schlumberger, Halliburton and Baker Oil tools and third Parties to ensure compliance with work programs, project procedures and contract requirements.

 To supervise the DST job (mechanical & hydraulic) including tubing conveyed perforations and well killing operation.

 To supervise the work-over operations (single completion retrieval, permanent packer milling, plug the bottom zone, perforating, and recompletion, X-mass tree replacement/maintenance/installation.

 To design and supervise surface installations at gas wells.

 To supervise the well stimulation operations (Matrix acidizing/near well bore treatment) in carbonate reservoirs.

 To create End of Well Completion Report.

 To Supervise and execute routine well testing, isochronal/modified isochronal/PI test/Pressure build up/Pressure drawdown/interference testing.

 To supervise the production logging operations.



• Fast learner and having the ability to analyse and integrate information quickly and to propose creative solutions.

• Good interpersonal, communication and strong team working skills. Demonstrated leadership strengths.

• Ability to work with a minimum supervision and to drive studies to completion as a lead engineer proven team worker with a positive and open attitude.

• Quick to learn and able to adapt to changes in well site production operations and new assignments.

• Self-motivated and able to work well with minimum direction.

• Effective problem solver, conscientious and reliable worker

• Computer Skills such as Prosper, Micro soft Word, Micro soft Excel, Micro soft Power Point and Inter Net and Maximo.




