Sales consulting in the oil sector and commercialization of products.
Adviser Reservoirs, Geomechanics and Unconventional Reservoirs.
Hydraulic Fracturing.
Wellbore Stability Analysis.
Real-time drilling Geomechanics.
Predrilling, calibration and adjustment of Geomechanical models in real time and post-drilling.
Support to design stable trajectories.
Analysis mechanical properties of formations, to support design drills and cement slurries.
Analysis pore pressure.
Reactivation faults.
Risk analysis.
Naturally Fractured Reservoirs.
Study fields reservoirs – ECOPETROL.
Optimization of drilling in real time.
Support planning and development of research projects in the sector.
Work Achievements
Responsible for tender development based on geomechanics.
Accountable for new productive projects proposals with team leaders’ approval based on field production capabilities.
In charge of supervising tender participation from private companies.
Manager in charge of in-house engineering Supervision.
Support, Analysis and Marketing in Geomechanics in DCS- SLB.
Accountable for new drilling projects appraisal and facilitating corresponding approval from Ecopetrol, SLB and Equion.
Support effective problem solving sessions in Real Time.
Lead improvement projects program launch activities to gain consensus and buy-in among different group leaders.
In charge of shifting focus to knowledge innovation, develop highly innovative solutions and ideas. Research and Promotion of new advanced technologies.
Group presentations describing engineering technologies which vary from Pore Pressure to 3D Seismic.
Career Summary
June 2014 to date
Senior Advisor-Geomechanics and Reservoir Simulation.
June 2012 to June 2014
Geomechanics Engineer, DCS, Schlumberger, Bogota-Colombia.
December 2008 to June 2012
Geomechanics Advisor, ECOPETROL, Bogotá-Colombia.
February 2008 to November 2008
Geomechanics Advisor, Colombian Petroleum Institute (ICP), Bucaramanga-Colombia.
July 2004 to January 2008
Wellbore Stability research student at Industrial University of Santander-Ecopetrol (ICP), Bucaramanga-Colombia.
Actual salary U$ 9000 / month
Petroleum Engineering
Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga-Colombia.
Merits & Awards TESIS 5/5
Language/ Speak /Read/ Write/ Business Technical
English Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate
Professional Registrations & Memberships
Professional Area Registration Number
Petroleum Engineer 4954
Professional Membership Organization Start Date End Date
SPE 2006 To date
Significant Work Achievements
Pore pressure and fracture gradient prediction which in conjunction with the collapse pressure ensures the well bore integrity to determine the best mud weight windows for the 30 development wells and 16 exploratory wells.
Pore pressure and Fracture gradient prediction for offshore wells in the Tayrona field in Colombia.
Investigation of drilling incidents aiming to optimize the drilling operations in Ecopetrol producing recommendations and actions to be taken in order to disseminate the lessons learned and knowledge.
Geomechanics 3D project , “Gerencia Central-ECOPETROL”. Assestment evaluation and calibration of the GMI Geomechanics software to be applied in Ecopetrol operations.
Assestment of the DrillWorks Explorer Software (Halliburton, Landmark Suite) to be applied in Ecopetrol drilling operations.
Rock Mechanics studies (UCS, abbrasivity index, lithology, etc) to support Ecopetrol drilling operations.
Elaboration, Evaluation, calibration, adjustment and monitoring of geomechanical models in: CUPIAGUA FIELD, FLOREÑA FIELD, CUSIANA FIELD, CASTILLA, CHICHIMENE, APIAY, GAVAN, SURIA, SURIA SUR, GUATIQUIA, CAÑO SUR, TIBU, RIO ZULIA -(ECOPETROL), PORE PRESSURE IN OFF SHORE (ECOPETROL), WILD CAT (ECOPETROL). Real Time Drilling Geomechanics Apiay Project (SLB-ECP)
1. Drilling Optimization Using 3D Geomechanical Modeling in the Llanos Orientales Basin, Colombia ECOP-GMI
3D Geomechanical Modeling for the Apiay and Suria Oil Fields (Llanos Orientales Basin, Colombia): Insights on the Stability of Reservoir-Bounding Faults ECOPETROL-GMI SPE 138752 138869