CV, Software Developer Seeking Work In Egypt Or Saudi Arabia

Serial No: 32940
Skills keywords: 
Current location:  England, United Kingdom - View on map
Nationality: British
Spoken languages: english


From a young age I have always been obsessed with computers and technology; it therefore seems like a natural progression for me to move from my education into a career in computing. With the transferable skills that my undergraduate degree had provided me, in addition to the skills and experience I have gained from my past projects and previous positions, I consider myself to have the relevant knowledge and capabilities to succeed in this dynamic industry. I am extremely eager to prove this in an employment setting.



● Framework(Bootstrap, Angularjs)

● Development environments( TSQL, Visual Studio, Xcode, XNA, TrakSys, Phpstorm)

● Logical thinking (UML, Z Notation, Prolog, Haskell)

● Organisation skills-(managing projects, time keeping, 5S audit)

● Excellent Communication (also able to speak very well in Bengali)

● Patience(very patient specially when debugging code and designing solutions)

● An optimistic attitude

● Experience in developing real world solutions for business(see past projects)

● Problem solving skill(I debug a lot of code and come up with solutions to requirements)

● Leadership and management skills(Student representative at Birmingham city university Student Union)

● Automation-(Kepware, PLC)

● General IT-(Virtual machines, remote development)


Work Experience

01/09/2014 – Current
Reapit LTD, Solihull

Position: Software developer

Role: I started at Reapit doing data conversions; this involved analysing client’s existing data and mapping these to our own system. I did mainly using Visual Fox Pro, MYSQL and T-SQL. My current role is more centralised in the development of a new mobile platform. I have gained significant experience in PHP, restful web service, Angularjs and Bootstrap.

14/11/2013 – 25/08/2014
Connect distribution LTD,Birmingham

Position: Perl Developer

Role: I started working with connect as a junior Perl developer, I have completed O’reilly Perl courses ranging from beginners to expert level. I am very skilled in Perl. Working at connect has given me significant experience in the world of open source software such as Linux, Subversion and Perl. Although my job title at connect is Perl developer, I am one of three people in the business that also maintains the companies warehouse management softwares. Most of these software are pretty old and are written in VB6.

07/05/2013 – 01/11/2013
Cimlogic LTD, Baildon

Position: Junior Software Developer

Role: At Cimlogic we create, develop and maintain management solution for major manufactures mainly in the UK. I personally have created energy monitoring solutions for Mars confectionary both in the UK and EU. I have also worked on projects for Unilever, Premier nutrition, AB Agri and many more. I have developed and maintained in house solutions for the company. At Cimlogic my skills in, jQuery, Javascript, HTML, CSS and SQL have vastly improved. I have also undertaken Microsoft certified courses in T-SQL(AppDev). I have gained significant experience of working in a commercial, business and agile environment as well as learning coding techniques from senior co-workers.

14-05-2010 — 09-11-2012
Hello phones, Birmingham

Position: Assistant Manager

Duty: Managing staff and stock, handling repairs and sales, answering phone calls and emails, performing repairs, keeping the store organised and safe for staff and customers. Opening and closing the store.

Past Projects & Freelancing Work

AJS Vehicle Solution, Birmingham

For my final year project during my A levels at college, I developed an accident management system for a new business called AJS Vehicle Solutions.

Some of the key features of this program were;

● Create, update and remove claims

● Print claims form and invoice

● Dynamic and animated graphs showing revenues

● Two mini games written in visual basic( Bob the blob and Space racer)

This project was developed using Microsoft visual studio. All my source code was written in Visual basic. I used Microsoft Access database to store relevant data and SQL to save and retrieve data from the database.

Diyah Wedding Services, Birmingham

During my first year of Undergraduate degree, I was hired by Diyah, a wedding services company located in Birmingham. I was hired to develop a booking management system that is accessible from anywhere in the world.

Some of the key features of this program were;

● Create, update and remove bookings

● Alert staff of upcoming bookings

● Dynamically print invoice, with address and logo

● Secure login using encryption and hashing

● Database accessible from anywhere in the world after authentication.

This project was developed using Microsoft visual studio. All the source code was written in C#. Microsoft Access database was used to Store relevant data and SQL was used to Store and retrieve data from the database. In this project I created a custom method to secure the user’s password. This method only stores the hash of the user’s password instead of the actual password. This code has come in use for my other projects as well as to other students at my university.

Hellophones, Birmingham

During my first two years of University I was working for a local business. During my spare times I developed a website for this business; (website is no longer available).

I developed the website in Microsoft visual studio. The source code was written in HTML and the design was done using CSS. I’ve also used a bit of jQuery to import google maps view, Facebook framework to show number of ‘Likes’ for the store’s Facebook fan page and Google plus framework linked to the store’s Google Circle account. Customers were able to contact the store via email through the website as well as get Google maps guide to the store.

Also I developed a point of sale system. My point of sale system ultimately replaced the stores existing method of handling sales. This helped me and rest of the staff maintain excellent track of the stock and revenues. We also had friendly competition to see who can get the most sales; each of the staff’s sales was of course tracked by the system. Key features of this system were;

● Stock control

● Revenue track

● Sales record

● Booking repairs

● Print invoice

● Track repairs

I developed this using Microsoft visual studio. The source code was in C#. I’ve used Microsoft Access database to store the relevant data and SQL to Query the database.


Education & Qualifications

First class B.Sc. (Hon) in Computer Science.
Undergraduate Degree

BSc Computer Science (Undergraduate- Year 3) – 1st

I have completed my undergraduate Degree in Computer Science. I have received 1st in my results; Graduated on 4th March 2014.This year consisted of 4 modules;

● E –commerce

In this module I was tasked with group of 4 other students to research, develop and evaluate not just an e -commerce website but a fully functioning online business.

We were in process of completing our online store and hosting it on

I have been coordinating this group and ensuring all tasks are completed promptly. As well as completing my own share of this project.

We developed this using Microsoft visual studio. The code behind is done in C#, We have created SQL database and used SQL to query this database. We have used some jQuery for animations and slide shows. We have implemented PayPal framework to handle payments. We have used as well as SQL authentications, stored procedures and 3 tier systems.

This entire project was done using ASP.NET. We used ASP.NET controls such as list view to manage featured items. We used ASP.NET user controls and pages and used HTML and CSS to alight the controls properly. In terms of security we did not use ASP.NET’s built in membership management tool, instead we created our own security handler, using ASP.NET sessions and controls for input and validations.

● Mobile and web technologies

In this module I experienced first had Apple’s Objective C language. I was given two projects to develop. The first was a simple contacts management app. The second project was an individual project. We as a class were requested to create an app that consumes a web service. To get high marks we were required to call multiple web services as well as use core data. While everyone else in my class followed a given scenario I perused my own ideas and created an app where the user can enter ingredient(s) and see what recipes they can make. On top of that users can query for local food places. This data was shown on a map view using data from Google places API. I have also managed to publish this app and present it to my tutors on a real device and identified flaws that where not obvious when emulating on a Macintosh. I received excellent feedback on my work. I received 66% for the first project and 84% in my second project, which is also the highest of the year.

I have developed this project in Apple’s Xcode 4.2 and supported up to iOS 5.1.1. The source code is in Objective C. I have used JSON to retrieve data from web service. I have used UML and Z notation to design my solution.

● Individual project

In this module I am able to demonstrate my own creativity and put all my skills at use. I have researched, developed and tested my final year project. My final year project is called smart fridge, the goal is to develop software that would in real world be embedded on to a fridge. This software would monitor the fridge inventory, allow user(s) to create a new type of food, monitor expiry dates and alert user(s) before a food item goes spoiled. On top of that the software keeps track of who eats what food and the level of salt, sugar, fat, protein and calories in each of their meal. The software dynamically creates a shopping list, authenticates each user of the fridge and using transferable skills from my Mobile and web technology module, I have also added a bonus feature where user can search for recipes based on ingredient(s), and addition to that, the fridge also recommends recipes based on what food is in the fridge and what item is near its expiry date. Ultimately this helps reduce amount of food being wasted.

I have developed my final year project using Microsoft visual studio. My source code is in C#. I have created an SQL database and used SQL to query this database. I have used framework to desterilize JSON string from a web service.

● Software engineering

In this module we are studying advanced data structures, Logic programing (Prolog), functional programming (Haskell), sorting algorithms and complexity, sets, predicates, relations and sequences and Z specifications.

BSc Computer Science (Undergraduate- Year 2)2:1
My second year of undergraduate degree in Computer science consisted of 5 modules.

● Database and enterprise

We looked at SQL and Oracle databases. I worked in a team of 4 and we created an oracle database application.

● Open systems

We studied open source code and licenses. On top of that I was tasked to write a paper reviewing open source programs against paid programs. My paper compared Flight gear against Microsoft’s Flight simulator.

● Computer Networks and Distribution

We studied networking and security of a network. My studies provided me with great knowledge of DOS attacks and keeping a network secure and traffic free. I was also tasked with writing a paper critically analysing networks and security measures.

● Professional practise

In this module we looked at professional appearance. We studied social networking as a tool for presenting yourself to employers. On top of that I worked in a group with 2 other students to do a poster vive presentation on the effects of Facebook on university students.

● Software design and construction

In this module we studied c# language in depth. We studied UML and demonstrated our ability to design a solution using class diagrams on UML.

I was also given programing tasks to complete, one of which was the traveling sales me problem. I am aware besides me only one other student managed to solve this problem.

BSc Computer Science (Undergraduate- Year 1)2:1

At the start of my undergraduate degree in computer science I studied 5 modules;

● Web technologies

I worked in a team of 4 and we developed a website for a non-existing café . The website is still online;

We developed this site using Microsoft visual studio. All source code was in HTML and designed using CSS and Photoshop.

Although this is the static version of the site, we did create a dynamic version where an admin can login and update the database and the café’s menu; this was done using ASP.NET grid view control and built in membership management control. The module was split into two Projects, first was to create a static website and second was to advance this web site and make it dynamic. Our tutors hosted two competitions, both of which we won.

● Software engineering

We studied c# and programming skills. Using my skills and knowledge I developed a c# version of the popular game ‘Break out’. This was developed using Microsoft XNA and the source code was in C#.

● Data Analysis

We learnt advance maths and problem solving.

● Computer system technology

We learnt computer circuitry and soldered together our own 8 bit gaming console, of which I was able to program a racing game and play it on a television.

● Professional practice

In this module we learnt writing skills, such as writing critical literature review and time planning to help us maintain good timing during our studies.


Law (B)

Computing (D)

Religious Studies (C)

Media AS (C)


I have 12 GCSE grade A*-C including Maths and English and BTEC Merit in Travel and Tourism.


Leisure Interests

In my leisure time I enjoy a bit of sports, gym and studying topics of interest. I also spend some time doing some gaming and building my own computer. On weekends I prefer to keep myself busy either by going out with my family or friends. Although nothing beats a good home cooked meal. My friends and I like to experience different styles of cooking so we always find a new restaurant for us to indulge in.



Available on request




