CV, Team Leader, Rule Of Law Expert Targeting Europe Or US

Serial No: 33246
Skills keywords: 
Current location:  Indonesia - View on map
Nationality: Croat
Spoken languages: Bosnian, Croatian, english, Indonesian, spanish


– In 1997 received L.L.M. – Master of Laws degree at the University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam School of International Relations) in EU Law. Final paper topic was “EU’s Eastward Expansion – The Role of Legislative Harmonisation”;

– In 1991 Graduated from the Law Faculty at the University of Sarajevo;

– Elementary and High-School education at Medan International School, Jakarta International School and former Yugoslavia.

Work Experience

July 2013 – present
USAID, Jakarata, Indonesia

Senior Rule of Law Advisor in the USAID Indonesia’s Office of Democracy, Rights and Gov-ernance (DRG).

1, Primary responsibility for providing advice to the DRG Office and other parts of the Mission in all areas related to rule of law;

2. Provide analysis of development-related issues and policies in Indonesia and ASEAN;

3. Participate in, and monitor the development of national and regional development policies;

4. Provide oversight and guidance for the DRG portfolio of rule of law and accountability pro-grams;

5. Provide technical analysis and guidance on justice sector and legal reforms issues, particularly issues related to the Country Strategy Development Objective 1, “Democratic Governance Strengthened” generally and Intermediate Result “Protection of Citizens Rights Promoted” more specifically;

6. Develop and manage development cooperation projects and programmes in the govern-ance sector;

7. Person responsible for strategic issues within the Development Objective team tasked with mainstreaming governance across USAID Indonesia Mission’s offices and projects;

8. Serve as project manager and Contract/ Agreement Officer’s Representative (COR/AOR) for selected DRG rule of law programs;

9. Provide input in the design process of new DRG programs in the wider rule-of-law sector;

10. Serve as the liaison to USAID Mission management and other AO teams, implementing partners, Government of Indonesia (GoI) counterparts, US Embassy working groups, donors and other key institutions and non-governmental organizations supporting Indonesia’s gov-ernance-related development.

June 2008 – December 2009
GRM – IALDF, Jakarta, Indonesia

Team Leader of the Indonesia-Australia Legal Development Facility (IALDF)

1. Oversee day-to-day and strategic management of the Facility;

2. Develop and manage development cooperation projects in the governance / rule of law sectors;

3. Provide leadership, management and assistance to IALDF team members, legal advisers and contractors to facilitate timely and quality implementation of the project and activities – as per AusAID’s procedures and GRM practices of project management;

4. Be responsible for ongoing liaison and communication with AusAID;

5. Participate in donor coordination meetings;

6. As per AusAID requirements ensure the development of all reports related to the project;

7. Act as a focal point for AusAID in all technical and administrative matters pertaining to pro-ject monitoring;

8. Closely liaise with GRM pertaining to the overall direction and progress of the project;

9. Manage all administrative and financial management issues emanating from the field, in-cluding the responsibility to local fund management including the Imprest Account;

10. Maintain productive relationships with key external project stakeholders to enhance the standing of AusAID and GRM;

11. Manage the management Support Team. I successfully brought the IALDF to its closure in December 2009.

October 2006 – June 2008
UNDP Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Sector Coordinator for Justice Sector Reform

1. Facilitated the development of the Indonesian Government’s National Access to Justice Strategy that was included in the National Mid Term Development Plan for 2010 –2014 (Presidential Regulation);

2. Facilitated harmonisation of national-level mid-term development plan with regional level mid term development plan in 32 provinces;

3. Supported the Government of Indonesia in its efforts to meet its 2004-2009 Medium-Term Development Plan targets in the governance / rule of law sectors;

4. Developing donor coordination strategies in the area of legal and judicial reform. In this capacity I work within the National Development Planing Agency (BAPPENAS) in close cooperation with the Director of the BAPPENAS’ Directorate for Law and Human Rights;

5. Developing strategies to develop assessments as to the progress of reform effort imple-mentation and supporting efforts that contribute to enhancing access to justice for poor and disadvantaged communities;

6. Enhancing cooperation between civil society and the government in the area of legal re-form and assistance and providing expert advice to law enforcement agencies, particularly the Attorney General’s Office and the Supreme Court in the process of implementing their respective agendas for reform;

7. Coordination and drafting of law enforcement / judicial bodies UN Convention Against Corruption Gap Analysis, Code of Conduct and Public Complaint System.

August 2004 – June 2006
UNDP/Partnership for Governance Reform, Jakarta, Indonesia
Legal and Judicial Reform Section

International Advisor for Legal / Judicial Reform

1. Facilitate anti-corruption reform of the Attorney General’s Office (AGO);

2. Facilitate development of the AGO Reform Agenda; AGO performance/governance indica-tors;

3. Facilitate cooperation AGO-CSOs;

4. Within the Attorney General’s Office in the capacity as the “Member Responsible for Inter-national Affairs of the Team for Reform” appointed directly by the Attorney General, tasked with providing support and coordinating activities defined in the AGO Reform Agenda from an international perspective i.e. creation of a transparent and accountable oversight/supervision system of the Attorney General’s Office in line with UNCAC;

5. Facilitate anti-corruption reform in the judicial sector – from the Supreme Court down to dis-trict courts; report on the selection process of judges; support realisation of the reform of the Supreme Court;

6. Developing and facilitating external supervision mechanisms of the judiciary and the public prosecution service;

7. Advise on the development of the judicial and prosecutorial external supervisory commis-sions;

8. Facilitating the design of an effective Access to Justice model;

9. Contribute to the development of training programs for legal aid workers (NGOs) for the provision of legal advice to marginalized groups in particular;

10. Managing network of legal / judicial reform experts.

March 1998 – December 2002
Office of the High Representative (OHR) Legal Department
Sarajevo & Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina


1. Establishment of the new judicial and administrative system in BiH (i.e. organisation of the local self-government administration and a respective judicial set-up);

2. Introduction of European standards of judicial administration with the aim of increasing transparency of the courts and accountability of the administration;

3. Initial and continuing training of judges and prosecutors in the area of human rights;

4. Establishment of a Federal Constitutional Court and the Judicial Commission;

5. Attracting and directing donor funds towards the judiciary on the Federation level;

6. Drafting of the following legislation: a. Constitutional Amendments on State, Federation and Cantonal level; b. Law on Courts; c. Law on Public Prosecution; d. Law on Local Self-government; e. Law on Ministries; f. Rules of Procedure in the judicial and administrative sector;

7. Developing efficient models ensuring access to justice for the refugees and displaced per-sons in post-conflict areas at national and regional level;

8. Harmonisation of BiH legislation with the European Convention of Human Rights.

In the performance of all of the activities above, I took part or chaired a number of meetings (on all levels, i.e. President of Federation, Federal Ministers, Cantonal and City level execu-tives) with all parties involved in the conflict, in a manner that contributed to the post-conflict reconciliation process in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

1997 – 2003
Human Rights Centre, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Member of the Advisory Board of the Human Rights Centre in Mostar

Research and lecturing in the area of International Human Rights Law, EC Law and Comparative Law. All activities were directed towards enhancing awareness of human rights among students and other stakeholders in the process of post-conflict reconciliation. Other goals included managing conflict prevention at both strategic and program levels, through capacity development, training and direct support to those parts of society that have shown willingness for reconciliation.

1995 – 2003
University of Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Assistant Lecturer

Assistant lecturer of International History of Law, researcher of comparative law (EU) at the Faculty of Law; Coordinator for International Cooperation at Faculty Level. I coordinated three EC funded TEMPUS projects which aimed at bringing the Eastern European Law Faculty curriculums closer to EU standards and practices, with particular focus on human rights.


Selected Publications

– “Judicial Commissions – Comparative Study of different European Models of Judicial Commissions in Sweden, France and Italy”, Buku Bunga Rampai tentang Komisi Yudisial (August 2006);

– “First 100 Days: Legal and Judicial Reform Agenda”, The Jakarta Post, 4 October 2004;

– “The New Attorney General: Enduring Against All Odds”, The Jakarta Post 29 November, 2004;

– “Challenges in the AG’s anti corruption strategy”, The Jakarta Post 29/12/2005;

– “RI benefits from StAR”, The Jakarta Post, 26 September, 2007;

– “Impact of International Human Rights Instruments on the Development of the Judicial Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina” International Bar Association’s Judges Newsletter Forum;

– “Human Rights protection in International Law and Politics Until 1945: An Goal or a Tool?”, Legal Journal of the Faculty of Law in Mostar (1996);

– ”The Role of the Principle of Subsidiarity in European Integration” – Legal Journal of the Faculty of Law in Mostar (2001)

More publications available at:



Fluent: English, Croatian, Bosnian; Average: Indonesian; Minimal knowledge: Spanish


Computer Skills

In 1996 completed a course “Computers in Research and Business Applications”. I am familiar with all Microsoft Windows Office programs: Word, Excel, Power Point, Explorer, as well as Apple IOS based software (Pages, Keynote, Numbers).



In 1995 received a Certificate of Achievement in the Training Program “Democracy, Human Rights and Peaceful Conflict Resolution” from Fridtjorf Nansen Academy Lillehammer, Norway – organised by the Norwegian Nobel Committee and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The program included theoretical and practical training in conflict resolution and mediation under the guidance of the leading experts in that field, and other topics, such as: peace, conflict, violence-clarification of concepts, structure of international conflict, theories on aggression, the causes of war, myths which create conflicts, conflict and integration, conflict solving behaviour, chairing of meetings, etc. Participants included members of all ethnic groups that were involved in the former Yugoslavian conflict.

In 1996 received a Certificate of Achievement in the three-month Training Program “Democracy and the Rule of Law” from the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, Utrecht/Hague, Netherlands. This Training Program included a research of various international legal instruments of the protection of human rights, establishment of ad-hoc and permanent War-Crime Tribunals.

In 2005, upon invitation, I delivered a lecture at the Faculty of Law of the University of Indonesia on dispute resolution mechanisms in conflict and post-conflict areas with a focus on the Balkan conflicts;

In 2006 I was appointed directly by the Attorney General of the RI as Member Responsible for International Affairs of the Team for Reform (Staff Tim Pembaharuan Kejaksaan Bid. Kajian Masalah-Masalah Internasional). My activities included providing support and coordinating activities defined in the AGO Reform Agenda from an international perspective, particularly those aimed at fighting corruption both within the AGO (i.e. creation of a transparent and accountable oversight/supervision system of the Attorney General’s Office) and on National and Regional level (i.e. developing gap matrix concerning UN Convention Against Corruption provisions on one side and AGO Reform Agenda recommendations and findings of the first Assessment of AGO Performance on the other);

In April 2006 I was a speaker at the Summit Conference on Access to Justice and Legal Aid attended by the President of RI, Chief Justice, Attorney General and Head of Komisi III of DPR (Head of the Parliament’s Law Commission) where I presented theoretical and practical (comparative) models of access to justice;

In July 2006 I was a speaker at the presentation of Adnan Buyung Nasution’s book “Instrumen Internasional Pokok Hak Asasi Manusia” (International Human Rights Instruments) where I delivered a presentation on historical development the link between the concepts of justice and legitimacy.



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