CV,Algeria Based Electrical Project, Maintenance Engineer Looking Glob

Serial No: 33253
Skills keywords: 
Current location:  algeria - View on map
Nationality: algerian
Spoken languages: Arabic, english, french

Education & Qualifications

Graduation baccalaureate, série: mathematics

Juin 2009
Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering at the university of Mouloud Mammeri ; Tizi Ouzou

Octobre 2011
Master Degree in Electrical Engineering awarded by the university of Mouloud Mammeri ; Tizi Ouzou

Topic: “study of the conversion of wind energy with doubly fed induction machine”


Key Skills

 Cryogenic

 Industrial Automation

 Electrical installation

 Gas process instrumentation

 Gas analysers

 Air separation techniques

 Software: DCS; matlab Simulink ;

 Renewable energy (wind and solar)

 PID ; Electrical drawing


 In January, 2011: Certificate of Training Course Practices ENIEM Activity Division Production OUED AISSI TIZI OUZOU

 20-26 JUNE 2012 : training about the first aid at Linde Gas Algerie; Reghaia plant

 23-29 September 2012 ; Training at Linde sogas in Alenquer plant; Portugal about planning and programming maintenance

 26-28 Février 2013 : training about electrical clearances at Schneider electric

 12-17 may 2013: training about air separation techniques course at Linde gas algerie

 27 MAI-2 JUIN 2013 Training at LINDE ROC ‘ remote operating centre’ BARCELONE SPAIN

 2013-2014 : onsite training in new project ‘construction of a new air separation plant ‘ with deferent divisions of commissioning :

 Attending with Instrumentation company ( Ecart DT): puts , calibrations and starting for different transmitters (level, pressure, flow, temperature) ,puts and calibration for all positioners

 attending with Atlas copcos company for different commissioning and starting of compressors and turbine

 attending with Linde engineering for different parts of electricity (HV ,MV , LV)

Career Experience

Since May, 2012:
Field engineer (Production & Maintenance for an Air Separation Unit) at LINDE Gas

Tasks :

 start up and shut down of the unit ( start up of heavy compressors , turbine , pumps ) ;

 adjustment of process parameters with DCS (control room)

 responsible of maintenance de (curative)

 preparing plans of maintenance (préventive)

 calibration and adjustment of various instruments (PID)

IT Skills

MS office: Word, Excel, Power point,…



Linguistic Knowledge

 French : very good

 Anglish : good

 Arabic : very good


 traveling

 reading

 Sport



 Dynamic and responsible

 Good physical and moral capacity







