Dairy Farm Assistant, large farm experience


I have worked on a large-scale dairy farm. I have improved my skills in driving the tractor, managing team members, and milking cows with standard procedures. I was filling up for any sick or absent team member. I like to work in a team to have high productivity.

Serial No: 158118
Skills keywords: basic maintenance, computer skills, dairy farm assistant, dairy farm worker, expert car driver

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

MBA in Agribusiness Management specializing in Diary Industry.
B.Sc. in Agriculture Science.

Previous Employment Details:

Assistant Manager (Small scale dairy farm) at Revti Dairy Farm Jan 2021 to Feb 2023
Intern at LaSalle Dairy Farm (Large scale dairy farm) - Sep 2019 to Jan 2021

Interests & Hobbies:

Basketball, Cricket, Board games, Watching movies

Current location:  Maharashtra, India - View on map
Nationality: Indian
Spoken languages: english, Hindi, marathi
