I am a passionate and experienced eLearning specialist who can create engaging and effective online courses for various audiences and topics. I have a strong background in instructional design and learning management systems. I can design and develop interactive and responsive eLearning modules using tools such as Articulate Storyline 360, PowerPoint and Camtasia. I am always eager to learn new skills and technologies to enhance my eLearning portfolio.
MSc - Computer Science
BSc - Computer Science
Problem-solving and administration skills
Decision-making, facilitation, and presentation skills
Instructional design, measurement, evaluation methods
Curriculum design and agile instructional design
Data analysis
Troubleshooting skills
I am always eager to learn new things whether they are related to my field of expertise or not. I love collaborating with others - e.g., stakeholders (subject matter experts, instructors, learning experts, and managers.