A front-end web developer with close to 10 years of experience building websites and web applications. Highly skilled in crafting beautiful handcrafted user-friendly web pages that help businesses achieve their goals. Im passionate about using my skills to create digital experiences that are both visually appealing and easy to use.
- BSc. Computer Information Systems
- Extensive knowledge and experience in HTML, CSS, and Javascript (es6)
- Experience building fluid, responsive, and adaptive web pages
- CI/GIT workflow
-Extensive experience working with TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, SASS, LESS
- React, AlpineJS, NextJS, Remix, ES6, Angular, NodeJS, Prisma, BlitzJS, Supabase
- Highly creative
- Self-driven and motivated
- Team player
- Flexible
- Quick learner
- Hardworking
- Listening to audiobooks
- Playing chess
- Exploring new tech stacks and frameworks
- Building small weekend projects
- Gaming
- meeting new people
- Debugging code