It took me 14 years to build a solid foundation in electrical technician. I love what I do. But I want to apply my skills on a large scale, affect long- lasting changes, and be a part of an initiative that more positive, one that provides a service for the greater good.
* Secondary school leaving certificates in 2006. * The HSC/ Intermediate and PUC certificates in 2008. * National council for vocational training for ITI in 2010. * Diploma Automatic Computer- Aided Design.
* MS and J, A grade Electrical Contractors since 2010 to 2015.
* Power Craft Electrical Contractors Pvt. Ltd since 2015 to 2019.
* VOLTAMPS Engineering A grade Electrical Contractors Pvt. Ltd till working.
Personally, I would recommend anything that involves creating in good technical way. For example cooking something new recipe, drawing and craft work for decoration