Fabricator glazier & metal

" 7 years fabricator glazier and metal. Cut glass and install glass and mirror and flat glass temper in shops.and and houes. Fix glass door and windows. "
Serial No: 208684

Skills keywords: glazing fabricator, fabricator, window fabricator, fabricator welder

Diplom 2 years after high school in computer

Personal Information:

I like read and love work
Love to listan to classic music and watch tv and some time like too cook and go to cinma and like to visit zoo i love so mush houres.

Management Skills:


Professional Awards/Accolades:

I have no

  • Ksa riyadh
    Started in current month
Employment Sought: Permanent
Current Location: Zagazig, El-Hariry, Zagazig 1, Al-Sharqia Governorate, Egypt
Top 5 countries interested in working in: Australia, Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, North America
Supplementary Information:

I muslim my from Egypt. My wief cristian. I have one son. I love my work and my family
