Farm assistance seeking work in UK


I consider myself perfect for a position because I am very hardworking. My previous and present employees are ready to refer me because of my dedication to my work. And also I have had similar experiences before

Serial No: 157364
Skills keywords: dairy farm labourer, farm assistant, farm worker, poultry farm hand

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Higher National Diploma
National Diploma
West Africa Senior Secondary school Certificate

Previous Employment Details:

Ogbemudia Farm. In the farm I work as a labourer. It has Fish ponds and palm oil plantations. Its a big farm and we work in wherever section there is work. 2017 till date.
Godsent Education Center. It is a private school here and at first I started as a teacher from 2007and ended up as an head teacher in 2016

Interests & Hobbies:


Current location:  Edo, Nigeria - View on map
Nationality: Nigerian
Spoken languages: english
