Farm Hand Seeking Work in the UK


Dependable and hardworking Farm Hand. Learns tasks quickly. Adaptable and flexible. Likes staying busy and learning new skills.

Serial No: 157533
Skills keywords: dairy farming, farm worker, poultry farm hand, truck driver

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Bachelor Degree in Geography and Environmental Studies Honours Degree.
* Sustainable farming practises
*Food security

Previous Employment Details:

Farm hand 01/07/2020- 01/07/2022
•transplanting plant, and harvesting vegetables.
•feeding and watering goats.

Junior farm hand 01/01/2019- 28/05/2020
•drove trucks, tractors distributing food and equipments.
•cleaning sables and bans.

Interests & Hobbies:

Reading ,

Current location:  Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe - View on map
Nationality: Zimbabwean
Spoken languages: english
