I am highly motivated, skilled and self taught in most of my experience. My passion for hard work and grafting have made me become a manager. I have diverse experience which is handy and transferable to any job requiring a labourer who is hard working.
I have good working ethics, my communication skills verbal, nonverbal and written are all excellent.
I have great initiative, work very well in a team and as an individual.
skilled self taught mechanic- can repair and service small vehicles, trucks, lorries and machinery.
skilled self taught biogas builder- the farm I work for now uses biogas for its energy and that project was planned and done by me
great experience in operating tractors, HGVs and farm machinery
great experience in livestock, breeding, milking, feeding etc
I am also good with farming crop especially maize/corn
Somabhula Farm- Worked as a farm labourer. Taking care of livestock, planting and harvesting maize crop, taking care of the fruit orchard and adhering to farm regulations and rules. Had the opportunity to run a biogas project from planning to safe working biogas energy.
Matshelela Tours- Worked as a long distance HGV driver. Covered very long routes, confident and safe driver, adhered to safe driving rules. Drove to and from different countries.
Sunshine bus service- Worked as a long distance HGV recovery truck driver and light work mechanics. Adhered to stated polices and procedures regarding delivery services and ensured daily vehicle checks where completed and reported to my team leader..
NB Bakery-worked as an HGV delivery driver and salesman. Experience in load restraint using chains and strapping. Constantly communicated with transport office, bakery orders and customers regarding orders and delivery.
I enjoy working outdoors, be it driving, seeing places, be it working on land or animals. I love nature and being part of creation. Camping with my family is always a big highlight especially star gazing.
Driving to different parts of Africa has been one of my biggest hobbies. I have driven miles and seen may places.
Meeting new people and trying new foods is amazing. I have seen different cultures and way of living, its fascinating to see the differences.
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