Food Technologist seeking work in UK


Food Technologist with honest and dedicated in profession having 11 years of work experience in beverage manufacturing industry(carbonated soft drinks, Milk and milk products including milk powder, hot fill beverage and water) having Bachelor degree in Food technology and Msc in Food consumer marketing and product development from UK.

Serial No: 136746
Skills keywords: food technologist

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Msc-Food consumer marketing and product development
Bachelor in food Technology

Previous Employment Details:

Sujal Dairy P. Ltd-Largest dairy with powder production facility of country and a susidiary of Laxmi group.
Sunrise Food and Beverage P. Ltd-Franchise Parle Agro, India
Bottlers Nepal Ltd-Coca cola Bottling Company
Gorkha Brewery P. Ltd-Franchise of Carlsberg, Denmark

Interests & Hobbies:

Hiking, Cycling and Swimming

Current location:  Gandaki Province, Nepal - View on map
Nationality: Nepalese
Spoken languages: english, Hindi, nepalese
