Forensic expert seeking work in Europe


I'm a quick learner, i learn about the environment and work accordingly
If I have done any mistakes, I'll try to never do that again I take that as a lesson and try to learn and improve from my mistake - I'm trained and learned to adjust from my self improvement journey so i hesitate to give up on me and my skills

Serial No: 196027
Skills keywords: administrative assistant, assistant manager, care assistant, forensic science, laboratory assistant

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Forensic investigation Forensic documentation Forensic fingerprint analysis Assistant manager Laboratory Assistant Livestock inspector Front office management Accounts Caretaker Housekeeping

Previous Employment Details:

Details on request

Interests & Hobbies:

Interest in sports and fitness
Practicing boxer
Dragon Karate
Reading books
Self improvement
Content creation
Livestock management

Current location:  Kerala, India - View on map
Nationality: Indian
Spoken languages: english, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil
