Fresh fruit logistic coordinator seeking work in the UK

Serial No: 62734
Skills keywords: sea freight forwarder, logistics coordinator, international business

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Graduates in, International negociation executive Engineering (Chilean gubernamental university)
Graduated in, financial techniques Administration (Chilean Technical university)
Graduates in, Foreing trade techniques (Chilean Technical university)

Previous Employment Details:

-Owner & General Manager of Multifreigjht Chile Spa (2013 / 2016) Freight Forwarder agency, own invest. Estrategic posicionament, Navy´s line rates and condition negotiations,team leader and fresh fruit export development for new market´s from Latam, Find & develop relation with new agent´s available´s for work in fresh fruit market export since Latam
-Brand Manager Transmaritima Chile (2009/2013), Freight Forwarder agency, Argentine Investment in Chile. Team leader, multimodal logistic development for new business, control and report of the profits to the head office located in Argentina.
-Multimodal development fruit export in Navicon Overseas Chile (2006 / 2009) Freight Forwarder agency, Argentine Investment. Develop the multimodal traffic of merchancy from & To Argentine using the Chilean Port´s

Current location:  Chile - View on map
Nationality: Chilena
Spoken languages: english, españoles
