Graduate seeking suitable employment


I strive to work in an environment whereby opportunities are presented and there is a common goal in building individuals as well as the industry am in. As well as getting to working with diverse cultures. Growth is my most important aspect of life and getting an experience in something that brings me closer to achieving my aspect gives me purpose..

Serial No: 155948
Skills keywords: business risk management, financial administration, hr administrator, junior recruiter, risk management (banking

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Bachelor Degree in Business Management
Certificate in accounting and auditing

Accurate data entry
Computer literacy
Accounting software SageVIP Prime, sage one, pastel
Communication skills
Numeric Accurate skills
Management plan, organize,lead
Work independently

Previous Employment Details:

Tulaing Group Pty Ltd (Accounts Administrator)(03/2017-07/2018)
Cavema Fishing Pty Ltd (intenship/contact ) (01/2021-01/2022)
Multi-Purpose Centre Training (Volunteer)(02/2022-04/2022)
Minister of Agriculture, water and land reform (statistican/Agro_business analysts intern)(07/2022-09/2022)

Interests & Hobbies:

Working out
Learning new things
Listening to music
Watching TV

Current location:  Khomas Region, Namibia - View on map
Nationality: Namibian
Spoken languages: Afrikaans, english, Oshiwambo, Silozi
