As a dedicated maintenance professional with six months hands on experience, I bring a positive approach to ground keeping and maintenance role.My expertise includes routine upkeep and repairs and landscaping tasks to optimal functionality and aesthetics
Masters in Business Administration Bachelor’s in Business Administration Maintenance experience from part time jobs and full time jobs from different companies and full time in Qatar started as assistant and hand on experience routine upkeep,repairs and landscaping tasks to ensure optimal functionality and aesthetics. Iam committed to maintaining high standards of cleanliness and saftey ,and efficiency, making me a valuable asset to your team
1.Maintanence man(Lemax electrical company, October 2023-present) Organized and conducted maintenance work for electrical projects and installations
2.Construction worker- done construction works as assistant roles in Kerala India
3.Production Operative -Worked as a production operative in UK factory with physically demanding jobs
My interest and hobbies included exploring outdoor hiking activities and working out for fitness and discipline.I also enjoy reading about new technologies advancements in construction field