Healthcare Assistant, love caring for adults


I truly love caring for adults. I am confident that the qualities, skills and attributes you are looking for are a strong match for my own.I am confident that my compassion and commitment to patient care will significantly this role.

Serial No: 151701
Skills keywords: good communication skills, good leadership, information technology skills, interpersonal skills

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Care Certificate (UK CPD Online)
Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Accounting

Previous Employment Details:

Westend Hospital 2020 to Current
ELCZ (Levangelical Lutheran Church (Volunteer Care Giver) 2018-2019
Prestige Medical Center 2015-2017 (Healthcare Assistant

Interests & Hobbies:

Problem solving
Keeping fit

Current location:  Harare Province, Zimbabwe - View on map
Nationality: Zimbabwean
Spoken languages: english
