Yah the task is not the easy one. Remember I've had a try, to register here few years before and didn't succeed. Guess what, would I be the best in my field, then I wouldn't search for a job now. We're not for sale. Do you find I'm playing a victim here!? No, I'm just one of those who carry on improving.
CPC issued in Poland, CE, C1E International drivering licens, familiar with truck equipment operations (owned a 40t. truck and managed its activities including troubleshooting. Automated gates, doors installation, service experience. Internet search, search engine evaluation, b2b email negotiations.
CE truck driving, curtain trailers, picking at a port, delivering to a customer, discharging belts filling documents, load and fix goods transporting to a port, disconnect and peak another trailer. For 2 months carried silo trailer between two super store facilities. Daily load and unload.
Scroll social media. Watch videos Bit of a sport activities, own duties, family values. Learning from the world around us. Most importantly (should be) finding an answer to the questions where we're from, for what and the destination.
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