I am a person who is interested in building healthy relationships. cooking, travelling and driving are my Interests. Acquiring maximum knowledge of the things in and around my surroundings are also one of my areas of interest. finding peace and happiness within and around are also very important for me.
BA. Philosophy In Christ University, Bangalore 2011-2014. Areas of study included ancient, midieval, modern and contemporary philosophy and psychologies. Diploma in HVAC in Acacia Institute for technical studies in 2015-2016. Areas of study included Understanding various types of airconditioners and refrigerants, troubleshooting and maintenance of Various HVAC equipments and operation of chiller plants etc.
I love reading books, listening news and understanding the current affairs. My hobby is travelling and mostly by driving own vehicles. spending time with my close circle friends are also my interest.
Playing outdoor games are also my favourite hobbies