For the past 20 years I have been at the forefront of healthcare organisations, facilitating strategic and operational initiatives which have resulted in transformational change and significant growth. I have pre-opened new healthcare facilities and have turned around struggling and problematic companies, both nationally and internationally (Saudi Arabia and Kuwait).
MSc in Management - University of Leicester
PgDip - Data Protection Law - Honorable Society of Kings Inns
PgDip - Management - University of Leicester
Professional Dip - Finance for Non-Finance Managers - UCD Professional Academy
Group CEO of long term care company in Ireland with ten facilities throughout the country.
Healthcare Consultant to the Group CEO of the Bon Secours Health System, Irelands largest and oldest private hospital group.
CEO of long term care company in Ireland.
I have a very keep interest in upcoming healthcare trends. I have a particular interest in ageing populations and the opportunities that this presents for the largest sector.
My hobbies re: Exercise, dining out, reading and meditation.