IT and Media specialist seeking work in UK


A dedicated I.T and Media professional with highly successful background developing effective marketing campaigns with special emphasis in product design. Expert in targeting campaigns to reach ideal consumers and maximize effectiveness. Accomplished and well-versed in social media, online and print marketing approaches.

Serial No: 140605
Skills keywords: computer maintenance, computer networking, computer repair, graphic design, social media management

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

B.Sc Computer Science
Graphic design
Brand development
Adobe graphic suite
Computer maintainace & Troubleshooting

Previous Employment Details:

Shemomal Nigeria Limited as IT Administrator (July 2017 till date)
Managing and maintaining all computers, network, internet connections, radio phones and I.T related equipments. Design and print all graphics and media publications.

3DV Studio, Media/Admin (January 2017 to June 2017)
Handling all social media accounts, carrying out research, general administrative/operational duties and errands, design and site trainee.

Idoma International Carnival as IT/Logistics Officer (2014 to December 2016)
Booking of hotels and transporting logistics to event venues.

Interests & Hobbies:

Driving & Playing Basketball

Current location:  Nigeria - View on map
Nationality: Nigerian
Spoken languages: english
