I am a dedicated protection system engineer, my mission is to ensure the reliable and safe operation of the electrical grid and system. i design implement and maintain cutting-edge protection schemes that shield our power infrastructure from fault, disturbance, and outages by utilizing advanced ideas and my skill set, if you are looking for someone who can safeguard your power system with precision and expertise i am your go to professional.
BS Engineering (Electronics)
protection system
control system
6 sigma white belt
pmp knowledge
relay software
siemens digsi 4/5
micom agile
GE enervista
Relay test set
Omicron cmc 356
ISA T1000
Lead Electrical Engineer | K-Electric from Mar 21-Present
Responsibilities: Responsible for Maintenance and protection of 220/132/11KV substation
Project Engineer | K-Electric from Oct 13 - Feb 21
Responsibilities: Execute Projects related to 220/132/11KV Substation
Technical Engineer | GFK
Electronics equipment troubleshooting
Swimming, reading, sports, technical articles, outdoor, interested in new innovations and ideas, projects, interested in new development for career growth and learned some new courses which is an essential career development
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