Marine Mechanical Engineer Seeking work in Europe


I started my career as a Trainee Engineer onboard FG vessel and underwent a hands on training with a well experienced engineers. It has moulded me to become a good Marine engineer . I have been many kind of difficult situations which given lot of confidence to handle all kind of job pressures and how to manage work and life in balance state. I try to adapt situations very easily and interested to learn new things. Very pleasant in character and positive all the time.

Serial No: 166559
Skills keywords: marine engineer, marine mechanical engineer, , marine operation manager, heavy diesel mechanics, power plant superintendent

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

1. 2nd Class Marine engineering certificate of competency.
2. Heavy Diesel Machinery operation and maintenance certification.
3. Wartsila Engine Operation and Maintenance certification.
4. MAN B&W Engine Operation and Maintenance certification.
5. High Voltage machinery operation and maintenance certification.
6. Welding,cutting,fitting and Lathe operations certification.
7. Safety officers certification.

Previous Employment Details:

1. Wartsila India Pvt Ltd - Senior Superintendent Engineer 2 stroke Field services - From 17/10l2022 To 27/02/2023 .
2. Seaspan Ship Management India Pvt Ltd - Second Engineer- From 10/01/2018 To 23/09/2022.
3. Anglo Eastern Ship Management India Pvt Ltd- Third Engineer - From 01/02/2012 To 30/09/2017.

Interests & Hobbies:

Football,Travelling and reading.

Current location:  Doha, Qatar - View on map
Nationality: Indian
Spoken languages: english, Hindi, Malayalam
