Office assistant seeking to work remotely.


I jump in with both feet to try something new, and always learning a new skill along the way. I am that old dog learning new tricks! Dedication is a tool that stands out most to me, my father taught me that doing something to completion for others is a task, but doing it to completion with aiming for self fulfilment leads to loving what you do. Work and play is placed on the same level in my book, a balance brings forth quality, and this stands out in my products that I make, but this quality work ethic I learned at my real jobs, in all of the roles I had. Being a perfectionist and having a typing speed that exceeds the masses, means nothing without accuracy. My goal is always to be better than my best, pushing myself to take a step up the ladder, being able to out-do my own goals is forcing myself to strive for better outcomes. So in a nutshell, I work hard to sterling results in everything I do, it is a way of life. I endeavor to be the force in the work place making changes for the betterment of all.

Serial No: 190365
Skills keywords: audio transcription, data capturer, debt collection, office management/administration, processing payments

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Personal Assistant - Assistant to the CEO and CFO. I performed office management tasks and general admin as required to both the Cape Town and Port Elizabeth offices. Frontline reception and travel were also part of the items on my job description. I made payments contractors and vendors the company used for services on the wind farm. Arranging meetings and team buildings were part of what I had to do.
Office Management - Attending to office and equipment requirements, company/staff purchases, events, travel, meetings.
Accounting - Vendor payments and Debt collection

Previous Employment Details:

Kouga Wind Farm Pty - 2015 to 2023 - I was a personal assistant to both the CEO and CFO at the wind farm. I did office management and accounting tasks as well. I learned how to make vendor payments, for services contractors rendered to the company and also company purchases. I drew memorandums and required letters for Board member changes, applied for employee company cards and updated authorises and Signatories.
WOMAG - 2014 to 2015 - This was very different to the office type work I was used to. I did sales and the administration there of. Learned about natural and manmade stones, everything bathroom and kitchen, from tiles to taps and basins.
Allan Gray Ltd - 2007 to 2013 - I was personal assistant to operations managers, bookings meetings, travel arrangements, typing up documents, personal shopping and coordinated company events and team buildings, not to forget the administrative tasks and graduate recruitment.

Interests & Hobbies:

My most favorite hobby is creating organic body products from scratch, it is quality time spent with my only child and daughter. I attained a certificate in Aromatherapy to back up the products that we make and also learned the proper techniques for healing through massage. I make medications to combat ailments such as diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol to name a few.
I honestly do enjoy baking, I come from a family where all the women can bake and cook and the skills are right up with there world renowned chefs, if I may toot my own horn.
Knitting and sewing is another of my hobbies, the relaxation after a long day is priceless. My cat Hazel probably hates me, but I absolutely love gunning her the blow-dryer after a bath.
I do read, but only recipe books!

Current location:  Northern Cape, South Africa - View on map
Nationality: South African
Spoken languages: english
