I am a dedicated and experienced overhead transmission linesman at Kenya Electricity Transmission Company limited with more than i six years of experience. i have a proven track record of success in ensuring the efficient operation and maintenance of electrical transmission system. proficient in performing inspections, troubleshooting and repairs to ensure the reliability and safety of transmission infrastructure. i have skills inn tower construction, stringing and operation and maintenance works ama certified work at height technician, had training on isolator washer machine. strong commitment to adhering to industry regulations and standards while delivering exceptional results. excellent team player with the ability to communicate effectively and collaborate with colleagues to achieve organization objectives. i have handled works ranging from 220kV lines, 132kV 400kV and %)) kV HVDC Ethipia Kenya Line.
technical expertise- i have undergone training on work at height and had experince of more than six years practiclly ranging form erection of towers, stringing and operation ana maintenance works.
tower construction extensive experience in the construction of transmission towers, ecompassing foundation preparation, assembly and erection, knowledgeable about safety protocols and and quality standards associated with tower construction
stringing operations hadn on experience in condcuting stringing operations for overhead transmission lines including the installation fo conductors insulators and hardware components.
Outdoor exploration engagin in activities cuch as hiking which allign with the physical demands and outdoor work environment often associated with transmission line maintenance and construction. there are usually annual team building exercise where team members can bond and enjoy nature
photography docuemnting of on transmission work done makes one enjoy photography since the trasnmission infrastrcuture can be in remote areas where one enjoys the scenic views.
volunteering work our Manging Directors has a mentorship progrma where students in high schools could be mentored to love mathematics and part of the members that ensures the success of this projects. also there area tree plnating activities whic i particiapte to conserve nature annulaly to assist in increasing the forest cover in our country.
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