I have always had the desire to help others. I often put myself in the other person's situation and therefore this helps me to understand them better. I believe it takes a caring and compassionate person to care for those in need , these are skills I possess and would live the opportunity to help those who are unable to care for themselves physically and emotionally.
Practical nursing diploma
Data Entry certificate
Front Office certificate
5 CXC subjects
Receptionist February 2018-present. Employed to a diagnostic company to assist with not only reception duties but also attending to patients when necessary. Greet patients on entering facility. Registering for studies to be done.
Cashier.....cashing items,assisting with difficulties met by customers on a daily basis.
Cashier/counter clerk..ensuring first in first out on items being sold, attending to customers needs on a daily basis. Cashing and balancing at the end of the day.
I enjoy music and adventures.I love to sing. I am interested in counselling as another career option as I find that I am able to advise others when in difficulty. I would love to travel and learning other cultures. I also have a passion for trying new recipes in own kitchen. I