Process Engineer seeking overseas employment

Serial No: 102586
Skills keywords: process commissioning, chemical engineer, good leadership

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Emergency response

Previous Employment Details:

Just after completing my undergraduate studies with the Honors of the Second class (Upper division) in
the Bachelor of Engineering program where I have taken courses like Process Chemical Engineering,
Process Design, as well as HSE and Sustainability, Economics, I had a privilege to work as a Chemical
Engineer at “Ethylene-Polyethylene” Plant that had essential impact on shaping my outlook.
I worked at “Hgas 1000” unit of ITM where I had a chance to deeply understand such a modern and socalled green technology and get familiar with PLC systems. I was responsible for the operation and
supervising 5 operators working in this unit, when the unit was in the maintenance stage. During this
period, I have assisted engineers of ITM for: doing a pressure test of electrolysis stacks, removing an
electrolysis stack and installing a new one, checking "Hydrogen dryers" together with representatives of
"Aquags Sweeden AB", analysis of "Logic diagrams" and changing set points (with the authorization of
ITM) during troubleshooting period.
Short time later, I started to work as a responsible engineer for commissioning and start-up of “Pressure
Swing Adsorption” unit (Linde Group), then I have been promoted to be a responsible engineer for proper
operation of “PSA” unit and team leader of operators’ team that developed and shaped me into the
leader by improving my team management and communication skills. Furthermore, working as a
responsible engineer for the operation of a unit had a vital role in my decision-making skills, especially in
emergency cases.
My organized and punctual work style and team management abilities helped me to be a team leader of
junior engineers, working in “Azerkimya Revamp Project” and I become a member of commissioning team
for “Azerkimya Revamp Project”. Here I work together with commissioning team of TechnipFMC
(contractor) and SOCAR-KBR (Project management control).

Current location:  Azerbaijan - View on map
Nationality: Azerbaijani`
Spoken languages: azerbaijani, english, Turkish
