Production Technician in Devon in the United Kingdom


An enthusiastic, self motivated individual who is goal oriented and physically fit. With 8 years experience in security systems installations I am able to make the company achieve its goals and targets. A good team player with excellent interpersonal skill I am able to lift the company to a new dimension.

Serial No: 140935
Skills keywords: telecommunications engineering

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

BSc Telecommunication Honours Degree
*Diploma in Applied Information Technology
*Certificate In Applied Information Technology

Previous Employment Details:

*Designed, installed and maintained security systems.
*Carried out site surveys for security systems installation.
*Prepared bill of quantities for security system installation.
*Trained other technicians on security systems installation.

Interests & Hobbies:

Swimming and reading science books.

Current location:  Iringa Region, Tanzania - View on map
Nationality: Zimbabwean
Spoken languages: english
