Project Engineer Seeking Work in Europe or US

Serial No: 63659
Skills keywords: mechanical engineer, project engineer, industrial construction

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

project engineer;
manager skills;
leadership ability;
good planner;
easy to work with different teams of different countries;
challenges seeker;

and the ability to adapt to different situations, matches exactly to this opportunity.

Previous Employment Details:

Project Engineer (04/2016 - currently). Responsible for financial, scheduling, and technical requirements in compliance with the scope of contracted work along with industry and regulatory standards.

Purchasing Engineer (02/2015- 04/2016). Responsible for all technical purchases and responsible for all suppliers who attended the project, ensuring that they were meeting all contractual requirements, such as term and productivity.

Current location:  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - View on map
Nationality: Brazilian
Spoken languages: english, french, portuguese
