Sales & Marketing Manager seeking work in GCC


I have multi functional experience leading to do my job through integration and this experience gained through variety in my work journey while I work in different companies ( multinational & Egyptian Domestic business schools ) occupying different positions reaching to be a head for multinational business.
All are leading me to have entrepreneurial mindset.

Serial No: 125894
Skills keywords: business development, finance functional, financial skills, marketing management, marketing strategy

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Marketing Management
Brand Management
Financial Management
Logistics & Supply Chain

Previous Employment Details:

1- Sales & Marketing Manager at Mylan Laboratories ( Libya ) from March 2020 until now
Responsibilities : a head of the company's agent by managing mid-level & senior mid-level managers to implement & monitor plans for 160 pharmaceutical generics products.
2- Sales & Marketing Manager at NPG pharma ( Egypt ) from 2016 to Feb. 2020
Responsible for startup business planning for imported products in specialty cosmetics and aesthetics.
3- Product Manager at Utopia pharmaceuticals from Aug.2013 to Dec. 2015
responsible for brand management of pharmaceutical generics serving GIT, Gynaecology and dermatology

Interests & Hobbies:

History Reading, Chess Game, Biking

Current location:  Egypt - View on map
Nationality: Egyptian
Spoken languages: Arabic, english
