My superpower is the ability to connect the dots - assisting entities who have been underserved or have long standing obstacles, to find a pathway to success. Passionate about rural communities but also urban environments as these locations are looking to overcome climate, housing, and workforce challenges.
25 years experience facilitating business, nonprofit and governments to be economically viable. From grant funding, research, development, engagement, strategy and collaboration, I have been able to leverage community success from Alaska to Australia. As an entrepreneur, I have the ability to look outside the traditional box, to source solutions to multi -tiered challenges facing cities, start ups and not for profit entities spanning the globe.
Wirkebau Consulting - providing project management to ensure the economic success of business and government around the world, since 1999
Economic Development Director - City of Winslow, Arizona USA 2021- 2023
Strategic Development Manager - Mendocino County, California USA 2019 -2021
Travel (see travel blog @accordingtouna), writing, hiking, kayaking, my pup, cooking... I enjoy learning about new cultures as well as about the people of the globe.