Seeking farming Job/work in uk


As a well trained Agropreneurial from Lagos State Agricultural training institute, Lagos state, Nigeria. I am well equipped with vas knowledge in agric business and farming in the area of Poultry Farming, Piggery Farm, Dairy Farm of Ram Ranch and Cattle Ranch, Aquaculture and Vegetable farming, Tractor operation for plaguing, Rigging and Arrowing e.t.c. I am confident with the knowledge I have acquired in the sector as a perfect candidate for your job. If my profile and experience is being consider for a position in your farm, your will never regret employing me for your work.

Serial No: 138766
Skills keywords: dairy farm assistant, farm assistant, farm worker, poultry farm worker

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Higher National Diploma in Business Administration. 2010. (Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta)
Certificate of Agro Entrepreneurship. 2013 (Lagos State Ministry of Agriculture)
West African Examination Council. Waec 2004.

Previous Employment Details:

Harmsnor Farm: Farm manager. 20016-till present.
Breacher Agrovet international consult: Farmhand/assistant. 2015-2016.
Guaranty Trust Assurance: Administrative Clark/E-Archive officer. 2011-2014.

Interests & Hobbies:

Reading books, playing football and meeting people on educative chart.

Current location:  Virginia, United States - View on map
Nationality: Nigeria
Spoken languages: English language
