With nearly 20 years of experience in the finance industry and multiple system migrations, . I'm really good at getting to the real requirement, seeing the big picture and focusing on the most important details. This helps me deliver efficiently and maximizing use of time. I'm a good listener, which makes connecting the dots easy for me, recognising that work I'm busy with might impact other parts of the business, preempting unforeseen issues. Being relatable means I can integrate into any team and am able to engage with a stakeholder of any level of seniority. I enjoy unpacking complex scenarios and making it digestible to any audience.
Senior Business Analyst
Systems Migration
Data Management
Business Process Engineer
HiPortfolio 2 & 3
SQL Query
Power BI
SaFE for Teams
Innovise Senior Consultant.
I have been consulting to STANLIB, Standard bank and LIBFIN all at the same time. These companies are all in the financial sector.
I have been implementing data management strategies, specifications for Extract Transform Load layers, implementing data dictionaries and definitions, specifications for Operational Data Store reporting and API's, specifications for reporting layers and Data Governance
This is all combined with analyses of the clients requirements and developing the project plan.
Global Independent Administrators - Team Leader for Investment Admin
Main functions here have been deep analytical analyses to support business decisions. Advanced skills in Microsoft Excel and Visio
First National Bank - Trust and Total Asset Management Specialist
Love keeping fit, and especially running, but will play any sports.
I love spending time in the bush and enhancing my knowledge of the smaller things, such as birds and trees.
Being creative with my hands is something that I enjoy doing in my spare time