Methodical mechanical technician with 5 years of experience repairing and diagnosing mechanical faults of an administrative vehicle. responsible, dedicated worker with strong knowledge of vehicle maintenance. Thorough background using troubleshooting tools and technique efficiently to minimise turnaround and maximise client satisfaction.
concerning mechanical engeneering in general, i have in-depth skills in mechanical and hydraulic connections bodywork and painting. in automobil electricilty i'm not bad; all the time , a refresher training will allow me to better establish my skills
Currently , i still work for the ministry of secondary education where I teach mechanics; and maintain the car fleet. 5 years already that i carry out my work brilliantly and i wish to work on other skies in order to improve myself more.
every morning before going out , i take 10 minutes for read. and during the weekend i dedicate myself to doing research and sport (football).
i love to travel form tourism during the holidays.