Graduate seeking work in Dubai and Nigeria

Serial No: 63423
Skills keywords: social worker, english teacher, teacher

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

University of West London
2012 - 2015
Undergraduate degree
BSc Social Work Degree

Kensington & Chelsea College
2011 - 2012
Social Work

Capital City Sports Academy
2002 - 2007
Maths, Religious Education, Physical Education, English, Science

Stanmore College
2007- 2009
A level
Sport Science

Previous Employment Details:

Independent Living Assessor/Social Worker, The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
01/2016 - Present
Responsibilities & Achievements

-Safeguarding vulnerable children and adults from possible risk of harm.

-Completing assessments and providing care packages to enable and promote service users independence where possible.

-Liaising and working alongside other multi-disciplinary teams, for example, Mental Health Team, Psychology, Occupational Therapist, Psychiatrist, Nurse, Police Officers and Speech and Language Therapist to mention a few to achieve the best possible outcome.

-Maintaining accurate records and preparing reports for legal action.

-Providing evidence in court.

-Participating in supervision, team meetings and trainings.

IDVA/Outreach Worker, The DASH Charity (Social Work University Placement)
10/2014 - 04/2015
Responsibilities & Achievements

-Working closely with high risk and medium risk victims of domestic abuse.

-Creating safety plans and completing risk assessments.

-Supporting service users and their children to access refuge accommodation.

-Making referrals to relevant agencies.

-Working closely and liaising with Social Workers, GP, Police, CAMHS, SMART and other relevant agency.

-Attending Child Protection/Child in Need Conferences, Core Group Meetings, Review Meetings and MARAC/MAPPA.

-Facilitating one to one/group Freedom Programme.

-Attending court and advocating on behalf of service users

-Working in collaboration and making referrals to other teams within the organisation

-Providing moral support to clients both over the telephone and face to face

Assistant Team Leader, The Prince's Trust (Social Work University Placement)
01/2014 - 06/2014
Responsibilities & Achievements

-Supporting young people from a diverse background that are NEET.

-Offering young people qualifications, CV writing workshop, community projects, work experience practical skills and residential activities.

-Liaising with other professionals on support available to the young person, for example, The Jobcentre Plus, Youth Offending Team (YOT), Social Workers and employers.

-In compliance with the organisation's policy and procedure, providing the best possible outcome for the young people.

-Working in accordance with theories and legislations which concerns and protects the young people that I supported, for example, Equality Act 2010 and Leaving Care Act 2000.

-Completing Assessments.

-Managing conflict between young people.

-Making referrals to relevant agency.

-One to one sessions with young people to complete folders.

-Facilitate sessions on the different aspects of the programme.

-Recruit for the next programme.

-Support young people to identify next steps after the completion of the programme.

-Update parents/social workers/YOT officers on young person progress.

-Support young people into employment, training or education.

-Support young people to critically reflect on personal decisions that may alter their future.

Current location:  England, United Kingdom - View on map
Nationality: British
Spoken languages: english
