I am a skilled website designer and software developer who can work both part time and full time.
Plus I have excellent Office skills (MS Word, MS Power point etc) so I can also work as a computer operator or a clerk, or may be front desk officer.
I acquire good Communication Skills so I can also work as a customer care representative. Plus I'm also good at office work and writing technical reports.
Bachelors in Computer Science (BSCS)
Website Designer and Developer
Graphic Designer
Computer Operator
Good Communication Skills (English, Urdu, Hindi)
Aquire a "Can do" attitude
Excellent ability to learn new technologies
Have good organizational and communication skills
Team Player
Can also work as a Customer Care Representative
Currently Working as a Website Designer and Developer at Quick Lifts Engineering Works.
Previously worked as a Software Developer for Windows 8.1 Desktop apps at 9Alpha Global Private Limited (2013 - 2014)
Have also worked as a Freelancer on different online platforms.
Internet Surfing
Watching Movies
Exploring new Softwares
Painting, Sketching and Drawing