Surgery Nurse and Midwife


i have 15 years experience in nurse and surgical technician and surgeon assistant in endoscopy supervisor.
orthopedical surgical division supervisor
orthopedical assistant
medical human resource

Serial No: 111609
Skills keywords: nurse, surgical nurse, medical nurse, medical/surgrical nurse

List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

-sport medicine field surgies like acl construction,meniscus repair etc
-surgical technique,instrument and tips and tricks of joint replacment ,bone fractures
-biomechanic of human movement
-bone health and mechanic properties

-ligament,meniscal and cartilage mechanical analysis in response to loading and injures orthopedis

Previous Employment Details:

-endoscopy surgical technician and surgeon assistant,central office arkan darman (2018-now)
-endoscopy supervisor ,central office of commed linvatec ,pooyateb
orthopaedic surgical division supervisor and orthopaedic assistant

Interests & Hobbies:

-knowledge and learning about special field of experience
-reading book of medical

Current location:  Tehran Province, Iran - View on map
Nationality: iranian
Spoken languages: english, PERSIAN
