I am a young promising girl willing to be independent but unfortunately I don't really know about much things, I've worked as a Kitchen Assistant and as a Breakfast Chef, which I knew absolutely nothing about but because I love and enjoy learning, I'm very good at them now. I studied Linguistics in my mother's tongue (Yoruba) at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. Which also means I can work as a tutor, translator and the likes. I enjoy learning/training, which is why I want to explore know how to do new things, anything at all. I'm a computer literate and I also plan to learn more about it (Data analysis, graphics designing, etc) in the nearest future. I'm usually curious and always satisfied getting things done the right way.
Communication and Presentation skills, ability to team work, ability to learn/train very fast, ability to clean and take care of surroundings, ability to work under pressure and no supervision, determinned and ready to work.
Traveling and Discovering new cultures, Singing, Interacting with people, Reading, Learning new things, Tending to the needs of people and catering for them.