I am a citizen of Turkey. I am currently living in Turkey. The family and I want to start a life in England. My wife is a teacher. We also have 3 children and 1 cat. I have completed my EUR ING certificate application process, my EUR ING accreditation will be completed soon. I have worked in many different sectors in Turkey, both as an employee and as an employer. I believe that I can be useful to you and myself by sharing my experiences. I want to start my UK process with a Skilled Worker visa.
Proficient in Microsoft Office Applications
Experienced in using Logo Tiger ERP Application
Skilled in Autodesk Autocad 2D
Knowledgeable in SQL Server
Familiar with Windows Server
Proficient in Web Page Design using ASP and HTML
Macromedia Fireworks
Macromedia Dreamworks
Tekla X-steel
Visual Basic
Autodesk Autocad 3D
IT sector
Anadolu Üniversitesi
Bachelor's degree, POLITICAL SCIENCE AND
I am pursuing my field of interest through the
open education system in a disciplined manner
to enhance my academic knowledge and
improve myself.
Yetenekler: Political Science
Çukurova Üniversitesi
Master of Engineering - MEng, Department of
Construction and Manufacturing
Ağu 2022